The Poetic Me
WHO DIS?!?! 

What's In A Name? 

About Me 

The Poetic Me 

Jase's Thoughts 

My Screenplays 

Interesting Reads 

My Car 


Where is all of this coming from?
Experiences . . . We all have them. And we cannot deny that all of our experiences shape the very essence of who we are, how we’re going to act, and who we interact with. Every experience will change us, whether we like it or not. One thing's for certain, however. We all learn something from an event . . . good or bad. I can honestly say that during the course of my life, I've experienced some pretty crazy life events. Although sometimes hurtful and bitter during the course of those experiences, time goes on and I look back to the seemingly cataclysmic events and laugh at how easily I was moved by such insignificant moments in my life as I them now.

Here are some works written during a time when I "thought" my life had reached rock bottom. I know now, that is not the case. Sure, there will be more events that test my resilience as a being, but as long as in the end I come out with only minor scarring, I'll come out on top.

"That which does not kill me only serves to make me stronger."

PLUS ONE (7/29/02)
What if perfect had a name?
What if perfect had a face?
Would it stray from what I know
Would it be you all the same?

I take the time to stop and stare
And ponder possibilities
Of things to come and things to be
To redefine my realities.

Jaded with the thoughts of her
Invading all there was in me
Effectively a testament
My own shortcomings eminent.

I found the woman of my dreams
The perfect man I sought to be
She found the perfect man for her
Unfortunately, not in me.

It came and left too soon to tell
If you had been the one for me
For what had been the me plus one
Had left me torn a heart with none.

(picture courtesy of
PRISM (7/30/02)
Seeing all, does not allow
The thoughts and feelings mine for now
I long to free myself but how
Imprisoned in this world for now

Confusion mounts my eyes can't see
My heart it knows the urgency
My words thrust forth they're gonna be
Lost in the void, ignored by thee

Looking through the glass I stare
I know you're there, you're not aware
My image refracts everywhere
Your eyes they see a blurred glare

(picture courtesy of
TIDAL (7/30/02)
The sea moves forth to bless the sands
a refreshing breath of life
Accepted by the grateful beach
whose longing has been answered
The tide grows high, surrounds the land
a calmness settles on the sand
Tonight the two are intertwined
their harmonies are understood.

Morning comes the tides have changed
the land and ocean separate
The tide recedes the earth stays put
it cannot follow with the sea
The sea has left its scars to be
imbedded in the sand for now
Until the tides change back again
the union of the two.

(picture courtesy of
SEARCHING (7/31/02)
Walking down a dim lit hall, my search is for the light
At the end I know I'll reach, perfection's in my sight
From far away I seek to reach, the holiest of goals
For at the end is that which will, complete my inner soul

My cautious walk becomes a run, my legs they cannot keep
The pace that I have set for them, and as this is I trip
And fall amongst the obstacles, lay strewn upon the floor
I must prevail, I will prevail, and find true love once more

Each new obstacle is there, a test of my devotion
My love for that which strays from me, receives my every emotion
Try to continue to the end, which justifies the means
Trudging forth, begin to slow, persistence starts to wean.

My searching is for naught I find, as time wore on futility
The end keeps moving further still, I start to slow mobility
But what I did not know throughout, the length of all my journey
That who it was I sought to reach, was walking here right next to me.

(picture courtesy of
AWESTRUCK (Date Unknown)
I remember the second it happened . . . walking into the room and seeing her sitting there as if already on a pedestal. I’m stunned, I’m taken back, I’m smitten when I see her. A bead of sweat erupts from the base of my neck. A single word, “hello,” emanates from her mouth and slowly floats across the room, making its way to my ear. Time slows as I reach out to take her hand. I quickly run my hand past my pants in order to wipe any perspiration that might be on my palm and shake hers. “Hey, what’s up,” was all I could muster. At this point, an uneasiness begins to take over me . . . My nervousness a poison slowly being metabolized into my system, I start to stumble and hesitate with my words. I turn around and reach into the fridge to find a suitable antidote . . . I pull from the fridge a Smirnov malt liquor beverage.

(picture courtesy of

THE PASSING (3/17/04)
Like a flash of light she lit my path
Up to this point a darkened past,
This stranger who came in my life
But left much greater an impression.

How quickly one contorts his state
In catering to those in need,
A sympathetic ear is sought
To further one’s distinctive heart.

As quickly as the journey started
But not for what I wanted,
Has left me in the dark once more
To find my way alone again.

(picture courtesy of
The great escape from norms untried
A passive voice in a world of lies
A conjured vision of hopes in light
Of the rarest case I might be right.

A gamble sure enough I made
A test of faith a trial of belief
Can mark the worth of a selfless spirit
Who believes in that against the grain.

Who am I to believe such truths
Eclipsed by experience or lack thereof
On countless occasions I’ve lost the count
Of who I am without a doubt.

Now horrified to grace the heart, of
Some wandering soul who seeks the same
Throughout my life I’m haunted by
The humbling wake of loneliness.

(picture courtesy of
AWESTRUCK (Date Unknown)
I remember the second it happened . . . walking into the room and seeing her sitting there as if already on a pedestal. I’m stunned, I’m taken back, I’m smitten when I see her. A bead of sweat erupts from the base of my neck. A single word, “hello,” emanates from her mouth and slowly floats across the room, making its way to my ear. Time slows as I reach out to take her hand. I quickly run my hand past my pants in order to wipe any perspiration that might be on my palm and shake hers. “Hey, what’s up,” was all I could muster. At this point, an uneasiness begins to take over me . . . My nervousness a poison slowly being metabolized into my system, I start to stumble and hesitate with my words. I turn around and reach into the fridge to find a suitable antidote . . . I pull from the fridge a Smirnov malt liquor beverage.

(picture courtesy of