About Me
WHO DIS?!?! 

What's In A Name? 

About Me 

The Poetic Me 

Jase's Thoughts 

My Screenplays 

Interesting Reads 

My Car 


Jason, the Man Behind the Site
Not much to me, actually. I'm a healthcare consultant living in Chevy Chase, MD. I've got two brothers, Tristan and Jeremy, and two sisters, Angie and Kisha (yes, I called you my sisters:D). I have three neices (Amber, Aly, and Lexi) and one nephew, Tristan. With all of those kids, there's no need for me to have my own!! I come from a pretty large family. My dad has five brothers and sisters, my mom has 15 siblings (that's not a typo - FIFTEEN!!). Needless to say, I don't really know all of my relative's names, but that's okay, I don't think they all know mine.

I guess you could say that my close friends are also an extension of my biological family: Scott, Tilly, Derrick, Maynard, Alvin, Polly, Gerry, Mark, Jay, Dan, Joe . . . they're the best!! I just know if the shit ever hit the fan, they be there to help me out in a heartbeat.

Interests, hobbies, and random factoids about me
Driving: I'd have to say that driving is my ultimate hobby. It keeps me sane. I used to commute an hour and a half from my work in Tysons Corner, VA to Baltimore, MD. Why on God's green Earth would I do such a thing? Well, I wanted to hangout with all of my friends and family in Baltimore. I really didn't have much choice. During the course of those travels I eventually grew fond of driving. It gave me time to think about life in general.

I also tried my hand at autocrossing a few times. I must say that after my first experience strappin into my car and waiting at the staging lanes to run a few hot-laps I'm hooked!!

Snowboarding: I snowboard . . . I like it. I've been snowboarding for about four years now but during those four years I haven't been able to go as often as I would've liked to. We have the crappiest winters here in Maryland. Not crappy because of the snow, but crappy because of the lack of snow. My take on winter is that if it's gonna be this cold around, there had better be snow on the ground!!

Paintball: As you can see by the picture above, I dabble in the paintball scene. There aren't too many sports out there where you can relieve pent up stress and frustration by "bustin a cap in someone's ass," and then relive war stories over a couple of beers that same night!! I tell ya, once that first bullet flies past your head, all of your pidly life problems become lost in a void that is panic and fear ("did I just crap my pants?"). Fun, fun, fun . . . Besides, chicks dig battle scars!!

Piano: I am a pianist with some 15 years experience. But don't let those numbers fool you. I haven't played in a good three or four years. It's funny how when growing up I never really wanted to learn how to play. But these days, I would give anything to sit down in front of the keys and play . . . it's therapeutic in many ways.

Writing: this hobby is primarily used as an outlet for me. I'll need some kind of event that musters up enough motivation for me to write. Therefore, you'll find that a lot of my work is unfinished. You'll see in the next couple of pages how I've dabbled in various forms of writing styles. That's all I'll say about this for now.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?